"Serving Connecticut's alcohol beverage wholesalers since 1964"
Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of Connecticut
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Impact on Economy
What is the Benefit?
The state licensed system of alcohol distribution prevents vertical integration of the alcohol industry, thereby protecting competition and consumer choice from the corrosive effects of conglomerate monopolies.
Regulations effectively require the wholesale tier to consist of a large number of mostly smaller businesses, which must be state-licensed entities. Thus, wholesalers are easier to regulate than remote companies, some of which might be located overseas. Cross-checks ensure that every product sold in the state pays its fair share of taxes, collected by the licensees themselves.
Most importantly, since manufacturers cannot control the wholesale tier, it is relatively easy for new products to enter the industry and gain market access through such independent distributors.
Consumer choice and competition are guaranteed by restricting unfair trade practices.
Retailers operate free from undue pressure to buy particular products.
It is illegal for big retailers to pressure wholesalers to provide concessions unavailable to small "mom and pop" stores.
Wholesalers cannot "buy" retail shelf space. If allowed, this would restrict consumer choice.
Copyright � Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of Connecticut (WSWC) 2012.