All Permit Transactions
This section handles all permit inquiries, postings and payment processing.
You can search for permits by Permit Number, License Name, City, Permittee, Address, and backer. Once the permit is selected you may view current postings, posting history, or permit audit history on the same screen. The posting history and audit history will require the entry of starting and ending dates. The reports will be output in PDF format.
The current postings will show all invoice details for the account posted by all distributors. Some permits may show up as “Posted by Association” if another permit with the same backer is posted.
To view another permit click on the All Permit Transactions to return to the permit search criteria. Do not use the back button on the web browser.
Posting Entry
To post a permit, simply select the permit as described above and enter the amount, date, and check the NG flag box if necessary. Click “Add Record” to post the account. The invoice date will default to forty (40) days prior to today’s date.
Payment Entry
To mark invoices paid simply select the permit as described above and this all outstanding invoices due to you will be shown at the lower panel of the screen. Select the invoice to mark paid and click “Process Payment”.
All reports print in PDF format.
Daily Report – Shows today’s permits posted and permits marked free for credit.
Master Report – Shows all permits currently posted and this allows the user to select a specific county or all counties.
Review Postings – Shows all permits posted by the distributor today.
Review Payments – Shows all permits and invoices marked payment received today.
Export Data Files
Permit Data – This option prompts the user for several input choices. The type of file to be exported, selection of permit type (all types, or select type from list), City Name, (either enter the name of city or leave it blank for all cities), County (all counties or select one county from list), License type (all types or select license type from list).
Master Posting Data – Exports all posted permits to a text file or excel file.
Note: We have made a change to allow the user to remain online should the system begin updating while the user is online. A message box will appear stating that the system is currently updating and the user should try again in a little while. This process will take as long as five minutes. If you were in the middle of entering a payment or posting when this process occurs, you must re-enter the record that you were adding at the time of the interruption.
Please email any comments or issues to website administrator. Please be as detailed as possible so that we may address the inquiry.
Thank you!